What is Care Management?
GlobalHealth has developed a care management program to assist in determining what healthcare services are covered and payable under the health plan and the extent of such coverage and payments. The program assists members in receiving the appropriate healthcare and maximizing coverage for those healthcare services. The Medical Director oversees all decisions denying coverage for services for reasons of medical necessity. In the event of a denial, providers and members will be informed by letter of any unmet criteria, standards and guidelines, as well as of the appeal process.
Our care management staff uses nationally recognized guidelines and resources to guide the pre-service, concurrent and post-service review processes. Using information obtained from providers, care management staff applies MCG Guidelines® when conducting pre-service and concurrent reviews.
Pre-service Authorization
Certain healthcare services, such as referrals to specialists, hospitalization and outpatient surgery, require preauthorization from GlobalHealth. If you do not obtain preauthorization, you may be financially responsible for the services. Your GlobalHealth network doctor should process referrals for services on your behalf. All behavioral health services, including mental health and substance use services, are arranged and authorized through Beacon Health Options.
Your member materials provide more detail on which services require preauthorization.
Concurrent Review
The concurrent review process assesses the necessity for continued stay, level of care and quality of care for members receiving inpatient services. All inpatient services extending beyond the initial authorized period will require concurrent review.
Discharge Planning
Discharge planning may be initiated at the time of admission and begins immediately upon identification of post discharge needs during authorization or concurrent review. The discharge plan may include initiation of a variety of services/benefits to be utilized by the member upon discharge from an inpatient stay.
Post-Service Review
The purpose of a post-service review is to retrospectively evaluate the services rendered, analyze potential quality and utilization issues and review all appeals of inpatient concurrent review decisions. The following information may be used for the retrospective review: ER summary, medical record(s) and discharge diagnosis. GlobalHealth’s effort to manage the services provided to members includes the retrospective review of claims submitted for payment and medical records submitted for potential quality and utilization concerns.