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Medicare Appeals & Grievances
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ViewPart C Organization Determinations, Appeals, and Grievances
This section is about your benefits for medical care or treatment or services. For information about your Part D prescription drugs, click here.
You have the right to ask the plan to provide or pay for items or services you think should be covered, provided, or continued. This is called an "organization determination." You, your representative, or your doctor can request an organization determination from the plan. You will need to send supporting documentation. Click here for Physician Treatment Request Form
C/O: Health Services
P.O. Box 2840
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2840
Or via Fax: 405-280-5398
This request can also be made over the phone by calling (844) 280-5555 (TTY users call 711), 8:00 AM and 8:00PM, 7 days a week October 1 - March 31, or 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday through Friday April 1 - September 30. The standard time frame for this decision is 14 calendar days.
You may request that the plan expedite (fast-review) organization determination when you believe that waiting for a decision under the standard time frame could place your life, health, or ability to regain maximum function in serious jeopardy. If the organization determination request includes but is not limited to one of the following key words it will be considered for an expedited organization determination: Expedited, Fast, STAT, Urgent, ASAP, Rush, Immediate, Life Threatening. You will need to send supporting documentation.
C/O Health Services
P.O. Box 2840
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2840
Call: 1-844-280-5555 (toll-free) (TTY: 711)
Fax: 405-280-5398
8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week, from October 1 - March 31, and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday, from April 1 - September 30
The plan must notify you of its decision within 72 hours of receipt if it determines, or your doctor tells the plan, that your life or health may be seriously harmed waiting for a standard decision.
The process that enables independent review of adverse organization determinations.
Per Medicare, an appeal is any procedure that deals with the review of adverse organization determinations on the healthcare services a member believes he or she is entitled to receive, including delay in providing, arranging for, or approving the healthcare services (such that a delay would adversely affect the health of the member), or on any amounts the member must pay for a service. These procedures include reconsideration by the plan and if the plan upholds (partially or fully) its adverse decision (denial), consideration by an Independent Review Entity (IRE), hearings before Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), review by the Medicare Appeals Council (MAC), and judicial review.
If the plan won’t cover the items or services you asked for, the plan must tell you in writing why it won't provide or pay for the items or services and how to appeal this decision. You will get a notice explaining why the plan fully or partially denied your request and instructions on how to appeal the plan’s decision. If you appeal the plan’s decision, you may want to ask for a copy of your file containing medical and other information about your case.
If you disagree with the organization determination (the plan’s initial decision) you can file an appeal.
Appeal requests must be submitted within sixty-five (65) calendar days from the date of notice of GlobalHealth’s determination. If the 65-day period has expired, a party may request an extension of the timeframe, in writing, stating a good cause reason why the request was not filed in time. Examples of good cause include the following: (1) the Member, or Member’s authorized representative, did not personally receive the adverse determination notice or received it late; (2) the Member was seriously ill, which prevented a timely appeal; (3) death or serious illness in the Member’s immediate family; (4) an accident caused important records to be destroyed; (5) documentation was difficult to locate within the time limits: (6) Member had incorrect or incomplete information concerning the Reconsideration process; (7) Documentation was submitted to another government agency in good faith and within the time limit, and request did not reach GlobalHealth until after the time limit had expired; (8) Member lacked capacity to understand the time frame for filing a request for Reconsideration (9) the request was sent the request to an incorrect address, in good faith, within the time limit and the request did not reach the plan until after the time period had expired or (10) The delay is a result of the additional time required to produce enrollee documents in an accessible format (for example, large print or Braille) or the delay is the result of an individual having sought and received help from an auxiliary resource (such as a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) or senior center), on account of his or her disability, in order to be able to file the appeal.
Start by calling, writing, or faxing GlobalHealth to make your request. You, your doctor, or your representative can do this. You will need to send supporting documentation.
C/O: Appeals and Grievances
P.O. Box 2658
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2658
1-844-280-5555 (toll-free) (TTY: 711)
8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week, from October 1 - March 31, and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday, from April 1 - September 30
You may submit a request by telephone by calling Customer Care.
GlobalHealth shall issue an appeal determination as expeditiously as the Member’s health condition requires, but no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for an appeal. The timeframe may be extended by up to fourteen (14) calendar days if the Member requests the extension or if GlobalHealth justifies the need for additional information and how the delay is in the interest of the enrollee (example: awaiting requested medical records from a non-contracted provider that might change the decision to deny a claim). If the timeframe is extended beyond the 30 days, GlobalHealth shall notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay and the Member’s right to file an Expedited Grievance if the Member disagrees with the extension.
GlobalHealth shall issue an appeal determination for payment reconsiderations no later than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for appeal.
If your health requires a quick response, you must ask for a "Fast Appeal," sometimes called "Expedited Appeal". You may request that the plan expedite an appeal when you believe that waiting for a decision under the standard time frame could place your life, health, or ability to regain maximum function in serious jeopardy. If the appeal request includes but is not limited to one of the following key words it will be considered for an expedited appeal: Expedited, Fast, STAT, Urgent, ASAP, Rush, Immediate, Life Threatening. You will need to send supporting documentation.
C/O: Appeals and Grievances
P.O. Box 2658
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2658
1-844-280-5555 (toll-free) (TTY: 711)
8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week, from October 1 - March 31, and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday, from April 1 - September 30
For Expedited Pre-Service Reconsideration, GlobalHealth shall complete its determination and notify the Member (and the physician involved, if appropriate) of the decision as expeditiously as the Member’s health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after receiving the appeal request.
Additional Appeal Levels
The Medicare Advantage appeals process has up to five appeal levels. If you disagree with the decision made at any level of the process, you can generally go to the next level of appeal.
A complaint or dispute that describes a member's dissatisfaction with the way the plan or a provider provides healthcare services, regardless of whether a remedy exists.
Per Medicare, a grievance is any complaint or dispute, other than one involving an organization determination, expressing dissatisfaction with the manner in which the plan or delegated entity provides healthcare services, regardless of whether any remedial action can be taken. A member or his or her representative may make the complaint or dispute, either orally or in writing, to the plan. An expedited grievance may also include a complaint that the plan refused to expedite an organization determination or reconsideration, or invoked an extension to an organization determination or reconsideration time frame.
In addition, grievances may include complaints regarding the timeliness, appropriateness, access to, and/or setting of a provided health service, procedure, or item. Grievance issues may also include complaints that a covered health service procedure or item during a course of treatment did not meet accepted standards for delivery of healthcare. If a member or his or her representative is dissatisfied with the services provided, such as sales, enrollment, or service processes, they have the right to file a grievance with the plan. The plan will review the grievance, take necessary action, and notify the member or his or her representative. A grievance may not involve an appeal.
You may submit your complaint to the plan.
C/O: Appeals and Grievances
P.O. Box 2658
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2658
1-844-280-5555 (toll-free) (TTY: 711)
8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week, from October 1 - March 31, and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday, from April 1 - September 30
You can find more information about what your plan covers in your Evidence of Coverage.
You may also call and file a complaint with Medicare at (1-800-633-4227), TTY users should call (877) 486-2048, 24 hours a day/7 days a week or visit https://www.medicare.gov/my/medicare-complaint/step1 (by clicking on this link you will be leaving our website).
Expedited Grievance
You may file an expedited grievance orally or in writing should you disagree with our decision not to conduct an expedited organization/coverage determination or an expedited reconsideration/redetermination. You may also file an expedited grievance if you disagree with the plan’s decision to request a fourteen (14) calendar day extension to make a decision on an organization determination, coverage determination, or reconsideration. The plan will respond to your expedited grievance within 24 hours.
You may request an expedited grievance by contacting Customer Care at (844) 280-5555. Value-added items and services included with the plan do not have appeal rights; however, members may file grievances regarding value-added items and services received. For more information about the Appeals and Grievances process, please refer to the Appeals & Grievances Chapter in your Evidence of Coverage, for more information on what to do next.
If you wish to request an aggregate number of grievances, appeals and exceptions filed with GlobalHealth, contact us at (844) 280-5555 (TTY users call 711).
For process/status questions, contact us at (844) 280-5555 (TTY users call 711). Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage on Complaints in Chapter 2, Section 1 for more information on what to do next.
As our member, you can appoint a caregiver or someone to act as an official representative on your behalf for the purpose of organization determinations, grievances, and reconsiderations. We must have your written authorization signed by both you and the person you wish to designate as your Appointed Representative.
A representative who is appointed by the court or who is otherwise authorized under state law to act on your behalf in this regard may also file a request on your behalf, after sending us the supporting legal documentation. You will not need to complete an Appointment of Representation Form if you send supporting documentation with your request showing that another person is authorized to act on your behalf under state law.
Click here for the form.
Start by calling, writing or faxing us to make your request. You, your representative, or your doctor (or other prescriber) can do this.
(877) 280-5600 (TTY users call 711)
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central Time
GlobalHealth, Pharmacy Exceptions Department
P.O. Box 2393
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73101-2393
Generally, we must make our decision within 72 hours of getting your prescriber’s supporting statement. You can request an expedited (urgent) exception if you or your doctor believe that your health could be seriously harmed by waiting up to 72 hours for a decision. If your request to expedite is granted, we must give you a decision no later than 24 hours after we get a supporting statement from your doctor or other prescriber.
If we approve your request, depending on the drug, most formulary exceptions are granted for a minimum of one year beginning on the date the formulary exception was originally approved.
If the exception is denied, you have the right to request an appeal.
Dual Special Needs (DSNP)
Contact us promptly – either by phone or in writing.
- Usually, calling Customer Care is the first step. If there is anything else you need to do, Customer Care will let you know.
- If your concern is about a service or item covered primarily by Medicaid or both Medicare and Medicaid, you can request a State Hearing, which is filed with the Bureau of State Hearings. Call Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) at toll-free at (800) 987-7767
- If you do not wish to call (or you called and were not satisfied), you can put your complaint in writing and send it to us. If you put your complaint in writing, we will respond to your complaint in writing.
- We will resolve your complaint or grievance as quickly as possible, but no longer than 30 days following receipt. If, for some unforeseen reason, we can’t resolve your complaint or grievance within 30 days, we will let you know in writing the reason for the delay and when you can expect a resolution. Grievances concerning our decision not to conduct a fast organization/coverage determination or fast reconsideration/redetermination are processed within 72 hours of receipt.
- The deadline for making a complaint is 60 calendar days from the time you had the problem you want to complain about.
We look into your complaint and give you our answer.
- If possible, we will answer you right away. If you call us with a complaint, we may be able to give you an answer on the same phone call.
- Most complaints are answered within 30 calendar days. If we need more information and the delay is in your best interest, or if you ask for more time, we can take up to 14 more calendar days (44 calendar days total) to answer your complaint. If we decide to take extra days, we will tell you in writing.
- If you are making a complaint because we denied your request for a “fast coverage decision” or a “fast appeal,” we will automatically give you a “fast complaint.” If you have a “fast complaint,” it means we will give you an answer within 24 hours.
- If we do not agree with some or all of your complaints or don’t take responsibility for the problem you are complaining about, we will include our reasons in our response to you.
Contact us promptly – either by phone or in writing.
- Usually, calling Customer Care is the first step. If there is anything else you need to do, Customer Care will let you know.
- If your concern is about a service or item covered primarily by Medicaid or both Medicare and Medicaid, you can request a State Hearing, which is filed with the Bureau of State Hearings.
- You or your representative must ask for a State Fair Hearing (in writing) within 120 days of the date of the notice that denies your appeal request. Call Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) at toll-free at (800) 987-7767
- If you do not wish to call (or you called and were not satisfied), you can put your complaint in writing and send it to us. If you put your complaint in writing, we will respond to your complaint in writing.
- Your written request must include:
- Your name
- Address
- Member number
- Reasons for appealing
- Any evidence you want us to review, such as medical records, doctors’ letters, or other information that explains why you need the item or service. Call your doctor if you need this information.
- Your written request must include:
- The deadline for making your appeal request within 65 calendar days from the date on the written notice we sent to tell you our answer on the coverage decision.
We consider your appeal and we give you our answer.
- For standard appeals, we must give you our answer within 30 calendar days after we receive your appeal. If your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug you have not yet received, we will give you our answer within 7 calendar days after we receive your appeal.
- If our answer is yes to part or all of what you requested, we must authorize or provide the coverage within 30 calendar days if your request is for a medical item or service, or within 7 calendar days if your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug.
- If our plan says no to part or all of your appeal, we will automatically send your appeal to the independent review organization for a Level 2 appeal.
Part D Coverage Decisions, Exceptions, and Appeals
A coverage decision is a decision we make about your benefits and coverage or about the amount we will pay for your drugs. An initial coverage decision about your Part D drugs is called a coverage determination.
If a drug is not covered in the way you would like it to be covered, you can ask us to make an "exception". An exception is a type of coverage decision. Similar to other types of coverage decisions, if we turn down your request for an exception, you can appeal our decision.
When you ask for an exception, your doctor or other prescriber will need to explain the medical reasons why you need the exception approved. We will then consider your request.
Typically, our Drug List includes more than one drug for treating a particular condition. These different possibilities are called "alternative" drugs. If an alternative drug would be just as effective as the drug you are requesting and would not cause more side effects or other health problems, we will generally not approve your request for an exception. If you ask us for a tiering exception we will generally not approve your request for an exception unless all the alternative drugs in the lower cost-sharing tier(s) won't work as well for you.
For more detailed information and examples of exceptions, please review the Evidence of Coverage.
Start by calling, writing or faxing us to make your request. You, your representative, or your doctor (or other prescriber) can do this. You can also access the coverage decision process through online. For more detailed information and examples of exceptions, please review the Evidence of Coverage.
Coverage Determination (initial request)
(866) 494-3927 (TTY users call 711)
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Fax: 1-855-633-7673
C/O: CVS Caremark Part D Services
Coverage Determinations/Appeals Dept.,
P.O. Box 52000
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2000
Initiate coverage determination request here. English | Espanol
Online: Initiate coverage determination request here.
Generally, we must make our decision within 72 hours of getting your prescriber’s supporting statement. If your health requires it ask us to give you a "fast coverage decision". You can request an expedited (fast) exception if you or your doctor believe that your health could be seriously harmed by waiting up to 72 hours for a decision. If your request to expedite is granted, we must give you a decision no later than 24 hours after we get a supporting statement from your doctor or other prescriber.
If we approve your request, depending on the drug, most formulary exceptions are granted for a minimum of one year beginning on the date the formulary exception was originally approved.
What is the process?
If we say no, you have the right to request an appeal. Requesting an appeal means asking us to reconsider – and possibly change – the decision we made. An appeal to the plan about a Part D drug coverage decision is called a plan "redetermination."
Contact us to request an appeal (Redetermination).
(866) 494-3927 (TTY users call 711)
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Fax: 1-855-633-7673
C/O: CVS Caremark Part D Services
Appeals Dept., MC109
P.O. Box 52000
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2000
Initiate redetermination request here English | Espanol
Online: Initiate redetermination request here.
We must give you our answer within seven days after we receive your request for a standard Appeal. If your health requires an answer sooner than seven days, you may ask for a fast Appeal (also called an expedited Appeal). For a fast Appeal, we must give you our answer within 72 hours after we receive your appeal (or your prescriber’s supporting statement).
If we approve your request, depending on the drug, most formulary exceptions are granted for a minimum of one year beginning on the date the formulary exception was originally approved.
Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage sections on Coverage Decisions and Exceptions for more information on what to do next if you disagree with the decision made at any level in the process. The appeals process has up to five levels of appeals.
Aggregate Appeals
For an aggregate number of coverage determinations/appeals, please contact us at (866) 494-3927.
For process or status questions, please contact us at (866) 494-3927.
A Grievance is a complaint you file for any other problem or issue with GlobalHealth or one of our network pharmacies/providers. You have the right to file a Grievance at any time.
How do I file a Grievance with GlobalHealth?
If you have a Grievance or a question about Grievances, we encourage you to first call us at (866) 494-3927 (TTY users call 711). We will try to resolve any complaint that you might have over the phone.
If you request a written response to your phone complaint, we will respond to you in writing. If we cannot resolve your complaint over the phone, we will resort to using a formal procedure to review your complaints. We call this the GlobalHealth Grievance Process.
You may file a Grievance by telephone, fax, or through the mail, no later than 60 days after the event that caused the Grievance. We will respond to all written Grievances no later than 30 days from the date GlobalHealth received the Grievance.
If your Grievance involves a refusal by GlobalHealth to grant your request for an expedited Coverage Determination or an Expedited Redetermination, and you have not yet received the medication that is in dispute, you may file an expedited (fast) Grievance. To file an expedited Grievance, please contact us at (866) 494-3927 (TTY users call 711) to make a request over the phone. This number is answered by a live agent 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In this case, you will receive a response within 24 hours.
You can file a Grievance or Expedited Grievance by mailing or faxing us your written complaint to:
C/O: Appeals and Grievances
P.O. Box 2658
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2658
Most complaints are answered within 30 calendar days. If we need more information and the delay is in your best interest or if you ask for more time, we can take up to 14 more calendar days (44 calendar days total) to answer your complaint. You will receive a letter notifying you of the extension.
Please refer to the Chapter on Grievances in your Evidence of Coverage, for more information on what to do next.
You may also file a complaint with Medicare by calling (800) 633-4227 (TTY users call (877) 486-2048) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit the Medicare website. On this site you may file a complaint using the Medicare Complaint Form. (by clicking on these links, you will be leaving our website)
Aggregate Grievances
For an aggregate number of grievances, please contact us at:
Part D Grievances:
(866) 494-3927
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For process or status questions, please contact us at:
Part D Grievances:
(866) 494-3927
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
As our member, you can appoint a caregiver or someone to act as an official representative on your behalf. We must have your written authorization signed by both you and the person you wish to designate as your Appointed Representative.
A representative who is appointed by the court or who is otherwise authorized under state law to act on your behalf in this regard may also file a request on your behalf, after sending us the supporting legal documentation. You will not need to complete an Appointment of Representation Form if you send supporting documentation with your request showing that another person is authorized to act on your behalf under state law.